Python Web Server
A HTTP server build in Python using TCP sockets. Implemented error handling for several edge cases such as connection timeout, bad requests, and file not found. I built this web server to better my understanding networking principles during my CMPT 371 course.
Source CodeS&P 500 Trend Prediction
Using sci-kit learn's machine learning models, my teamates and I were able to predict the next-day trend directions with a 84% accuracy using support vector machines. We made our predictions using a Volatility Index, U.S. 10 Treasury Bonds, and the U.S. Dollar Index. To achieve our promising result, we tested several hyperparameter tuning methods including GridSearchCV, RandomSearch, and Optuna.
Report Source CodeRandom Whistle App
A IOS app built in swift to blow a whistle at a random interval. I use this app personally to help me practice my reaction time when taking lacrosse faceoffs.
Source CodeCourse Planner
As part of the CSSS fall hack, my teammates and I created a tool to help SFU students plan out what classes they can take. During the hackathon I tought two people how to use React.
Live Demo Source CodeTo Do List
Simple to do list app built using React, Express, and Postgres. The purpose of the app was to learn how to develop a full stack application.
Live Demo Source Code